15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (2024)

Are you looking for that perfect gift for an amazing teacher? Being a teacher is an incredibly difficult, but also rewarding job.

In order to show how much you appreciate the teachers in your children’s lives, we have compiled a list of 15 free teacher appreciation printables pdf files.

These printables are the perfect compliment to go along with your holiday or end of the year teacher gifts. They go that extra mile to show how much you care about all the hard work teachers do. If you’re still searching for a gift, check out this list of the most repinned teacher gifts to get some ideas!

Check out the list below, to find the perfect teacher appreciation printable that will allow you to give thanks to your kids’ teachers.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (1)

1. Thank You For Helping Me Grow Free Printable for Succulents

Succulents and air plants make such a great teacher gift. They can be set on his/her desk or windowsill at school and still look nice with very little maintenance.

Add this free printable “Thank You for Helping Me Grow” tag to a miniature succulent or air plant for an easy last minute teacher appreciation gift.

By: Yours Truly 😉

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (2)

2. Teachers Like You Paint Bright Futures

I think this is a fun teacher gift idea. You can give a teacher nail polish or a spa set. Then, attach this “Teachers Like You Paint Bright Futures!” printable with your gift.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (3)

It’s super cute and something a little different from the typical teacher gifts. Thank you Devon at Mama Cheaps for sharing this free printable!

3. I Couldn’t Have Picked A Better Teacher

Do you have a gift set that includes a mason jar? Then, this might be the perfect teacher appreciation printable pdf for you.

With this printable, you are able to print two “I Couldn’t Have Picked a Better Teacher” tags per page. Then, you just cut it out and attach it to your gift, whether it’s a mason jar or something else of a similar size.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (4)

4. Thank You For Making My Year Just Write

Does your child’s teacher just love writing or teaching kids to write stories? Then, this might be the perfect idea for you.

Whether you opt for a nice pen or maybe a nice marker set, include this free “Thank You For Making My Year Just ‘Write’!” printable with your gift.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (5)

5. Thank You For Being a Great Teacher

Unlike the gift tags, this teacher appreciation printable PDF is a worksheet where students can draw a picture of their teacher and fill in the blanks with details about their teacher.

Gifts like this are a teacher favorite because each child will have unique answers the teacher will love to read. Get the free “Thank You For Being a Great Teacher” PDF here.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (6)

6. Orange You The Best

Do you have an orange gift? Or maybe you are even giving oranges or orange scented lotion as your teacher appreciation gift. Better yet, maybe you know a teacher whose favorite color is orange.

This is the perfect printable for you. Just attach this “Orange You The Best” teacher appreciation pdf printable with your gift.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (7)

7. Being in Your Class Was Such a Treat

How about a healthy treat themed teacher appreciation gift? This one is so cute.

You just need a tin or basket to hold the treats. Then, fill the container with healthy snacks

Lastly, print this cute set of teacher appreciation tags. This PDF has a variety of sayings on the tags including, “Thank you!” “You deserve a treat!” “Thanks for a great year” and more. Attach the tags to the healthy treats and show the teacher how much you appreciate all their hard work this year.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (8)

8. Thanks For Helping Me Bloom

This simple, yet adorable tag is meant to be paired with Eos lip balm. The rounded container makes the perfect center for this free flower printable that says, “Thanks for Helping Me Bloom!”

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (9)

9. I Think You Have The Write Stuff

Here’s another option for teachers that love writing. If you will be gifting a nice pen and stationary set, then this the perfect printable to go along with it.

Print your “Take Note! I Think You Have the Write Stuff” note and attach it to your gift, to give it that extra pizzazz.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (10)

10. All About My Teacher

This printable is an interview style worksheet for students to complete on their own or with help from a parent or volunteer.

Students will fill in their favorite memories and sayings from the school year, which is sure to melt the teacher’s heart and make her smile.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (11)

11. Thanks For Making Learning So Sweet

Does you child’s teacher have a sweet tooth? This is the printable you need. You just need to buy some candy bars.

Then, print the “Thanks for Making Learning So Sweet” sheet and wrap it around the candy bars. Voila! You now have a super cute teacher appreciation gift.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (12)

12. Thank You For A Great Year

Looking for an end of the school year teacher gift? These sweet “Thank You for a Great Year!” or “Thank You For All That You Do!” printables have you covered.

These printables are built especially for attaching gift cards to them. And, you can pretty much never go wrong with a gift card for a teacher.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (13)

14. You Are The Berry Best Teacher

These printables are advertised to be used in conjunction with Jamba Juice gift cards, but really any fruit themed gift card will work for the “You Are The Berry Best Teacher” printable here.

You could also select the printable that says “It was such a treat being in your class”. For this printable you could opt for a dessert or donut themed gift card.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (14)

14. T Is For Thoughtful

How about some teacher flash cards to show your family’s appreciation? With these printables, you will print out flash cards on index cards that spell out “TEACHER”.

Each letter has a description to show why teachers are so amazing, for example, “T is for thoughtful”. On top of that, there is also a flash card included that can be personalized with the teacher’s name and your child’s name.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (15)

15. Thank You Teacher for Helping Me Grow

These adorable printable cards at the perfect way to acknowledge all the great work the teacher has done for your child this year.

Each card is a printable PDF and can be folded once printed. Write a heartfelt message to your little one’s teacher or have your child write a message or draw a picture.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (16)

More End of the School Year Resources & Ideas

  • Grab a copy of this Room Mom Thank You Note template
  • Check out the best Virtual Teacher Appreciation Ideas for remote learning

Conclusion – Teacher Appreciation Printables & PDF Files

Wow! So many fun and cute ideas to choose from. You are amazing for taking the time to select the perfect gifts for your kids’ teachers.

By using these teacher appreciation printables, you will really show how much you support and care for your child or children’s teachers. I assure you the extra effort will be noticed and put a bright spot in their day.

Most of all, have fun while you assemble your adorable teacher appreciation gifts. And, don’t forget to have your kids help with it too.

15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (17)
15 Free PDF Teacher Appreciation Printables (2024)


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Interview students about their teachers. Ask both serious and funny questions: “What do you appreciate most about your teacher?” “What that your teacher has said has really stuck with you?” “If your teacher were a cartoon character, who would he or she be?

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Our etiquette expert would like to remind parents, “You don't have to spend a lot of money, and sometimes, a handwritten note from the heart is the best gesture of appreciation.” That said, Schweitzer says that, depending on the school policy, $50 may be appropriate (and she prefers a pooled gift) if your child has the ...

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Your patience, kindness, and understanding have not gone unnoticed, and we appreciate all that you do to make learning a fun and positive experience for [child's name]. Thank you for being an exceptional teacher.

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Sweet and Short Teacher Thank You Notes
  • Because of you, I've really started to love [math, science, reading, etc.].
  • Your lessons have left an indelible mark on my life. ...
  • You believed in me when I didn't. ...
  • Thanks for lighting the path to knowledge!
  • You've been more than a teacher; you've been an inspiration.
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What's the best piece of advice you have ever been given? ❖ If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach? ❖ If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? ❖ Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in the room?

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Price range for teacher gifts

“If your child has the teacher for just one period of the day, $10 to $20 is appropriate.” Melissa Verity Baral teaches kindergarten in Los Angeles and tells SheKnows that most parents give $25 to $50 gift cards.

Is $50 too much for a teacher gift? ›

Legally, most public school teachers are not allowed to accept gifts worth more than $50, but even if a family gives me a $5 gift, I think about the time and labor that went into it… and frankly, feel uncomfortable.

Is a $25 gift card too cheap? ›

For co-workers, casual friends and your children's teachers, stay in the $10 to $20 range. Gift cards for close friends and family members can range from $25 to $100. When you're selecting a gift card for a spouse, parent or someone else who's very special, choose a card worth $75 or more.

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What To Write in a Teacher Appreciation Card From a Student
  • Those days without you were not the same. ...
  • You prepared me for life. ...
  • I get math much better now because of you! ...
  • You helped me fall in love with the classics. ...
  • Thanks for bringing history to life. ...
  • I'll never forget... ...
  • You got me through until [fill in the blank].
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Teacher appreciation quotes
  • “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” — ...
  • “When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.” — ...
  • “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” — ...
  • “Being able to help someone learn something is a talent.” —

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15) Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. Learning from a truly great teacher is discovery—not studying. And a thousand days seem like one day for the inspired pupil. 16) A good teacher is like a candle—it consumes itself to light the way for others.

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Thank you for making learning so engaging and fun. I'm grateful for your dedication to our education. Your wisdom and guidance have been invaluable. Your patience and encouragement mean the world to me.

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About School Life
  • What are some traditions or superstitions you have for the First Day of School?
  • What makes a 'good day' at school?
  • How do you show your school spirit?
  • What accomplishment fills you with pride so far this year?
  • What is your favorite dish from the cafeteria?

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7 important questions to ask your students every week
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  • What kind act will you do for somebody this week? ...
  • What are you most looking forward to this week? ...
  • What are you struggling to understand at the moment? ...
  • How are you feeling 'right' now and why?

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Though this day is celebrated as Teacher's Day every year, this year, I would like to dedicate this entire day and the celebrations to our dear students. Through this platform, I would like to thank my students for giving me so much respect and consideration in how a child would care for his parents.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.