Hydra Clan Boss Guide - Rotation 5 (2024)

When it comes to battling the Hydra Clan boss, every rotation brings a unique challenge. The affinities of the heads change, as do the heads in the starting rotation. It’s important to keep in mind that the higher level you hit, the less likely the same heads will pop back up. Higher levels require you to prepare for all 6 heads, not just the starting rotation. However, you can get by on lower levels if you don’t mind resetting and playing the RNG game if you focus on counteracting just the starting heads of a current rotation. For this guide, we’ll also talk about how the affinities affect your team’s choices. Refer to our Stages Tool for each rotation if you’re looking to prepare your teams

Hydra Clan Boss Guide - Rotation 5 (1)

The Starting Rotation

If you’re hitting Nightmare or Brutal, you’ll certainly need to prepare for all 6 heads. However, let’s assume you’re just focusing on Normal level (or willing to go for RNG strategy for Hard) and take a look mainly at the starting heads. For Rotation 5, the starting heads are Decay, Blight, Suffering and Mischief.

  1. Bring a champion with Provoke. Because you know you have a high chance of dealing with the Head of Decay the entire fight, you’ll want a reliable Provoker or multiple champions with this skill. If you keep this head provoked, it cannot use its other active skills, only it’s A1. This can help you avoid those pesky cleanses that reset all your hard work.
  2. Bring a champion with Block Buffs. The other 3 heads all put up buffs (or steal them) so a key for this lineup will also be a champion with Block Buffs. It’s one of the most important debuffs to bring into all hydra fights.
  3. Bring a “Mischief Target”. Mischief being in the mix either requires your whole team to have high resistance to resist the buff steals or a “mischief target” to be built. You can avoid worrying about this head also by having Block Buffs up the entire time as well.

Luckily, this rotation does not include Wrath or Torment in the starting lineup. This means you can hope to avoid them and not worry about extra survivability to handle the big Wrath hits (shields, block damage, Increase DEF buffs, etc) and leave out Shamael or a Perfect Veil champion for Torment’s constant Fear/True Fear debuffs. (Again, it should be stressed that for the BEST success with hydra, you should prepare for these as well to reduce the RNG stressing about which head will pop up after decapitation).

Hydra Clan Boss Guide - Rotation 5 (2)

The Affinities Matter!

When talking about counteracting each head, making sure you have champions that aren’t weak affinity for that role is important. The Head of Decay is Magic affinity. For this rotation, you’ll want to pick a Provoke champion (or two) that are not Spirit affinity to avoid weak hits and the debuff not landing. Both the Head of Blight and Suffering are Force affinity. In this case, you might want to avoid a Magic champion for relying on Block Buffs to land. The Head of Mischief is Spirit affinity for this rotation. You’ll want to avoid Force champions for Block buffs if you’re going that strategy instead of having a Mischief target. However, you can also have extra insurance and use multiple champions with that skill to cover your bases. (Uugo & Ukko are a great combo in a rotation like this!).

If you’re preparing well and planning to counteract all 6 heads, keep in mind that the Head of Torment is Magic and the Head of Wrath is Spirit. If your team is too Force-heavy, Wrath will be even more of an issue with the hard hits and you might struggle landing important debuffs.

Keep in mind affinity does not matter when champion skills place vs hit. If the skill is a hit, you can get a weak hit with negative affinity and debuffs cannot land on weak hits. If you’re placing a debuff, affinity doesn’t matter as there’s no concern for a “weak hit”.

MVPs for this Rotation

Hydra Clan Boss Guide - Rotation 5 (3)

Uugo + Ukko – This combination is strong! Between the two champions, you have double protection to land Block Buffs given the different affinities. You also have almost all other roles covered (except Provoker for Decay & a Mischief target) with their diverse skill sets. Together they bring Block Buffs, Decrease ATK, Decrease ACC, Decrease DEF, Leech, Increase SPD, cleansing, heals and a revive.

Hydra Clan Boss Guide - Rotation 5 (4)

Husk & Royal Guard – This might be the rotation where you let the Geomancers take a break and let someone else pump out the main damage. When the Head of Wrath is not out, you’ll notice you get much lower damage from Geomancer. Husk is Force affinity so strong for this given 2 force, 1 magic in the starting lineup. Plus, he can provoke Decay and has a strong affinity to do so. Royal Guard is weak for 2 of the heads but strong for Mischief. When there is no Hex on this head, you need AoE to reliably hit it. Having Royal Guard in the lineup will be key for getting a champion that’s been devoured back from that head (as Husk could weak hit). Both together in the same lineup is ideal for higher levels especially.

Hydra Clan Boss Guide - Rotation 5 (5)

Ninja & Mordecai – Ninja brings damage + HP burns. He’s a strong affinity for Mischief so helpful for getting out devoured heads. Mordecai places HP burns so affinity never matters. This is super helpful against the Head of Blight if you don’t have Block Buffs. HP Burn prevents all hits from being weak hits if Poison Cloud is on any heads. It should be noted that HP burn is especially effective for damage in lower levels of hydra but does fall off and get outscaled by others at high levels.

Hydra Clan Boss Guide - Rotation 5 (6)

Krisk, Tuhanarak, Soulless & Khoronar – The simple fact of void affinity makes affinity based on rotation a non-issue. These champions excel in Hydra. Krisk and Tuhanark have very diverse kits and cover most of the bases needed for beating hydra. Soulless and Khoronar are strong provokers that also bring more to the fight and make them worthy of every rotation, especially if the Head of Decay is in the starting lineup.

Hydra Clan Boss Guide - Rotation 5 (2024)


How do you beat the Hydra boss? ›

Just grab the Hydra's head and mash the grapple button to succeed in the event, and then repeat the previous attack-and-defend pattern. After three successful attempts to smash the Hydra's head into the mast, the mast will brake, forming a spire with which to skewer the monster's head.

What is the rotation on Hydra? ›

The Hydra works in monthly Rotations and weekly reset cycles. Every month, 4 of the Hydra's total available Heads will be chosen as the “Starter Heads” for that month. 2 of the remaining Heads will be chosen as the “Substitute” heads for that month.

What resistance do you need for Hydra clan boss? ›

Of all the heads, the highest Resistance is 140 which means you should have at least 215 Accuracy to land your debuffs (165 as shown in yellow + 50 if the head of Suffering is out).

Can you stun Hydra heads? ›

If Life Barrier is not depleted within a set number of turns, the Head under this buff restores its HP to MAX. If Life Barrier is depleted, the Head is Stunned for 1 turn.

What level should I be to fight Hydra? ›

Hydra weakness and resistances

To start off, Hydra is level 15, so you and your demons should be around that level. (It's okay if you're a bit underleveled.)

How do you beat Hydro boss? ›

Kill the Water Droplets Fast to Deny Revival

It will produce three Water Droplets that move slowly towards it. If they reach the boss, then the boss will heal itself. It's up to the players to ensure that the slow droplets don't achieve that. This is where the Cryo element comes in most handy.

Who is the best support for Hydra? ›

Tuhanarak. Tuhanarak is a fantastic support champion for Hydra. She brings a lot of healing for your team and can even cleanse a debuff off everyone whenever she takes a turn, making her a great way to deal with the unblockable True Fears from the Head of Torment if you don't have a Perfect Veil champion.

What is the highest point in Hydra? ›

For a panoramic view of the entire island, the Gulf and Myrtoo Sea, climb Mt Eros, the highest mountain on Hydra (600 m.).

What is the order of Hydra? ›

Hydra vulgaris
10 more rows

What is the speed of Hydra Clan Boss? ›

Each difficulty requires different stats. Keep in mind that the affinities of the heads change depending on the rotation. For example, in Normal Hydra, the fastest head has a speed of 210. Therefore, your champions should have a speed of 211 or higher.

What is the best buff for Clan Boss? ›

The most important buffs for Clan Boss are Increase Defense, Increase Attack, Increase Speed, Increase Turn Meter, and Continuous Heal. Other notable buffs are Counter Attack, Shield, Continuous Heal, and Ally Protection to increase the survivability of your team!

How do you beat Hydra gears tactics? ›

The trick to the Hydra boss fight is to know when you ought to push forward and deny the enemy units any advance of their own, when to retreat against the Hydra's missile attacks, when and how to heal, and to always, always, always take a shot against the Hydra's head when you have it.

Can a Hydra have 5 heads? ›

One head one body with a D4 rolled each turn after until it has a max of five heads to attack with unless a head is decapitated then normal rules for regeneration apply.

What is the best weapon against Hydra? ›

Item (most effective → least effective)
Twisted bowDragon hunter crossbowBow of faerdhinen
Twisted bucklerDragonfire wardBook of law
Dragon arrow (Twisted bow)Ruby dragon bolts (e) (crossbow)Any god blessing / Rada's blessing 3 (blowpipe or bow of Faerdhinen)
Zaryte vambracesBlessed vambracesBlack d'hide vambraces
8 more rows

What happens if you cut the head of a Hydra? ›

Anyone who attempted to behead the Hydra found that as soon as one head was cut off, two more heads would emerge from the fresh wound. The destruction of the Lernean Hydra became one of the 12 Labours of Heracles.

How do you beat the Hydra monster? ›

Only the hydra's heads are remarked upon as regenerating. This leaves an entire body vulnerable. The best tactic would be to use one person to lure the creature into the open, then have more attack the body. If the torso is mortally wounded, the creature presumably could not recover.

How do you beat the Hydra in Minecraft? ›

It is suggested that one bring many buckets of milk and potions of regeneration, wear decent armor, and carry a Fire Dragonsteel Sword, a Flamed Dragon Bone Sword, bow with flame enchantment or any other weapon enchanted with Fire Aspect when fighting a hydra; depending on combat preferences, a bow enchanted with Flame ...

How can a Hydra be defeated? ›

As soon as the hero cut off one head, however, two more appeared in its place. With the help of a companion, Hercules finally killed the creature by cauterizing the necks with a burning torch. Giulio Romano showed Hercules resting triumphant, with the hydra heads strewn around his feet.

How do you hit the last Hydra head? ›

Melee Method 1: Keep moving to the left end of the basin, staying close to the edge of the pit, leaving yourself a few feet. Eventually, he'll perform a straight down plunge into the ground for some easy hits.

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