Pentagram: Revealing the Mysteries of the Five Pointed Star - Spiru (2024)

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The Pentagram may seem like a simple star, but if you look closely, you can see the universe in it. Learn the best-known meanings of this controversial symbol in our Blog.

Pentagram: Revealing the Mysteries of the Five Pointed Star - Spiru (1)

The Pentagram star is a five-pointed star with or without a circle around it. The symbol also contains pentagram triangles in different proportions. How many triangles are in a pentagram?
That depends: 10 simple triangles and up to 35 if you count where they cross lines! The word pentagram comes from the Greek πεντάγραμμον / pentagrammon which literally means ‘five lines’. Yet this simple symbol often represents the entire cosmos and carries meaning in various religions and cultures. Are you wondering, ‘what does a pentagram mean’? Don’t worry, because we will explain its most common meanings here.

What is a Pentagram? Natural Perfection!

A pentagram is a symmetric five pointed star, meaning that it fits perfectly inside a pentagon. The lengths of the various lines and segments between the points where they cross each other correspond to the Golden Ratio. Even many of the triangles within the pentagram are in the golden ratio! This is a pattern that you can see in natural phenomena and is thought by many to be the most beautiful ratio. Many Shells like Ammonite and flowers contain this ratio, and you can even find it in the human body, and that creates a bond! Because of this, since the ancient Greeks many people find that the pentagram represents natural harmony, peace and balance.

Pentagram: Revealing the Mysteries of the Five Pointed Star - Spiru (3)

The Pentagram and the Planet Venus

When viewed from Earth, over the course of an eight year cycle, the planet Venus makes a pattern similar to a pentagram. Many people also see a flower with five central petals or the cross section of an apple core. Roses and apples have been symbols of goddess of love for centuries, so it’s very fitting that the planet with her name moves this way!

Pentagram: Revealing the Mysteries of the Five Pointed Star - Spiru (4)

Pentagram Meaning in the Human Body

It’s not hard to imagine that for many, the pentagram’s five points represent the five senses. But did you know that an adult’s proportions of the neck, arms and legs also fit perfectly inside of one? Many people see that as a sign that your earthly body is connected to the great soul or spirit above it. Others see this as a connection between man and cosmos. You could think of your body as a small copy of the gigantic universe. This ‘as above, so below’ is also the idea behind a Horoscope: so in other words, what happens in the stars, happens between people too.

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Inverted Pentagram: Upside Down

Pentagrams usually have one point up, two to the side, and two down. However, the star with a point downward has become infamous and even feared. By the 19th century the occultists had begun to associate the inverted pentagram with evil and a disruption of the natural heavenly order. Because of this, Satanists like to use this instigating sign. Inverted versions are also worn by Wiccans-to-be during their training, which indicates that they are still exploring their magic as a witch. Yet in every pentagram it is actually possible to see both the upright and the inverted. The center pentagon of every pentagram can fit its reverse perfectly within it. Because of this, weather inverted or upright, a pentagram is a symbol of balance.

Pentagram: Revealing the Mysteries of the Five Pointed Star - Spiru (7)

Spiritual Meaning: Pentagram within a Circle

A pentagram with a circle around it is sometimes called a pentacle. The ring around the star then stands for the world or cosmos with five different forces inside. Explanations about exactly what those forces are vary between cultural traditions. In the Tarot, for example, the points represent the senses or physical well-being. If you draw a card with pentacles, it is about earthly things such as health and money. During Wiccan rituals, using a pentagram witches can make a magic pentacle circle. The pentacle would summon earth power, with which you could safely perform spells and rituals.

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Pentagram: Symbol ofthe Five Elements

Pentagrams can also be representations of five natural elements. The best-known examples can be found in Wicca and Taoism.

Pentagram: Revealing the Mysteries of the Five Pointed Star - Spiru (8)

Five Elements in the Wiccan Pentagram

Wicca and other western nature religions usually work with fire, air, water, earth and ether or ‘spirit’. The lines of the pentagram then show which symbolic place each element occupies. For example, the top point of the star represents Spirit, the left side represents Air, and the right side represents Water. At the bottom left you will find Earth and at the bottom right the Fire. You can therefore use the symbol as a compass to make a Wiccan Altar. Each object is then ‘in’ its own element, for example Witch Cauldrons on the side of the Water and Candles by Fire. Think of it as being similar to a crystal grid, but instead it’s a Wiccan Star!

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Five Elements in Taoism

Also for Taoists, the pentagram is a sign of natural forces. They connect the five lines with water, fire, earth, wood and metal. For them, the star is a diagram that shows which elements reinforce each other and which hinder each other. For example, fire and water oppose each other in the pentagram, because they cancel each other out: fire evaporates water and water extinguishes fire. If you draw a circle around the five points, it becomes clear which natural forces work well together. This Wu Xing system is used, for example, in Chinese medicine, and in Feng Shui to make spaces relaxed.

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Pentagram: Revealing the Mysteries of the Five Pointed Star - Spiru (12)

Working with Wiccan Symbols?

Has the pentagram taken on meaning for you? Then you might also be interested in other wonderful Wiccan Rituals.Check out Pendulum Dowsing, Seeing with Glass Balls or Tarot Cards for example. If you’re interested in sacred geometry and symbols, then maybe look into the Flower of Life. Or if you are more a fan of the Eastern traditions, then perhaps try learning about Tibetan Prayer Flags. Who knows, the peace in your home may increase! No matter what you try, enjoy expanding your spiritual horizons!



Pentagram: Revealing the Mysteries of the Five Pointed Star - Spiru (2024)


What is the spiritual meaning of the pentagram? ›

Many Neo-Pagans consider the pentagram a symbol of protection and may use it to invoke or banish spirits. The pentacle is the approved symbol of the Wiccan faith to be used on headstones in U.S. government cemeteries.

What does the 5 point star symbolize spiritually? ›

The pentagram was known to the ancient Greeks, with a depiction on a vase possibly dating back to the 7th century BCE. Pythagoreanism originated in the 6th century BCE and used the pentagram as a symbol of mutual recognition, of wellbeing, and to recognize good deeds and charity.

What is pentagram in astrology? ›

This is the diagram on the zodiac that Venus makes in eight years. After that period, Venus, the Sun, the Earth and the stars are again in the same relative positions. It means that Venus, seen from the Earth, is in the same position with respect not only to the Sun, but also to the stars.

What is the star symbol in Christianity? ›

The six-pointed star is one of the oldest Christian Symbols for God. For Christians, it's called the creator's star. It represents the fact that all the persons of the trinity were present at creation. The hexagram symbol is composed of two overlaid equilateral triangles that form a six-pointed star.

What is pentagram famous for? ›

In the past, the pentagram was commonly seen as a symbol for good and for protection against evil. One of the earliest recorded uses for the pentagram was by the Pythagoreans as a sign of initiation for its mathematical relation to the golden ratio and common presence in naturally occurring shapes.

What is a pentagram used for in the Bible? ›

Historically, the pentagram, a five-pointed star, has been associated with various meanings, including its connection to the Five Wounds of Christ. The Five Wounds of Christ refer to the crucifixion wounds Jesus suffered: the nail wounds in His hands and feet, and the spear wound in His side.

What does five star indicates? ›

​having five stars in a system that measures quality. Five stars usually represents the highest quality. Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary app.

What faith is symbolized by a five-pointed star? ›

The five-pointed star, pentagram, or haykal (Arabic: temple) is a symbol of the Baháʼí Faith as mentioned by Shoghi Effendi, head of the Baháʼí Faith in the first half of the 20th century: "Strictly speaking the 5-pointed star is the symbol of our Faith, as used by the Báb and explained by Him." The five-pointed star ...

What is the meaning of 5 star star? ›

Definition of 'five-star'

1. indicating the highest classification, based on a given set of criteria for determining excellence. a five-star rating. 2. having or deserving to have a five-star rating.

What religion is the pentagram? ›

Today, however, the pentagram is often associated with esoteric or occult traditions, such as Wicca and Satanism. Many religious groups have used the pentagram to signify five elements, or five core concepts in their faith. Wicca is not a formal, organized religion, but a collection of Neopagan practices.

Does luck affect pentagram? ›

Pentagram initially has a 10% chance to not destroy items, which is increased at levels 3, 5 and 7. This chance is affected by the character's Luck.

What does a pentagon symbolize? ›

The Pentagon is a universal symbol of U.S. strength and security known around the world, but do you know the history behind it?

What star was Jesus called? ›

The Star of Bethlehem, or Christmas Star, appears in the nativity story of the Gospel of Matthew chapter 2 where "wise men from the East" (Magi) are inspired by the star to travel to Jerusalem. There, they meet King Herod of Judea, and ask him: Adoration of the Magi by Florentine painter Giotto di Bondone (1267–1337).

What does God say about star signs? ›

Believing in the power and authority of astrology goes directly against biblical wisdom and Scripture clearly states that chasing after false gods is a sin (Matthew 24:24, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Exodus 20:3). There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to the stars or astrologists.

What is the symbol of the Holy Spirit? ›

The symbols of the Holy Spirit are: Dove, Fire, Oil, Wind and Water. The Dove: This can be seen in the description of the baptism of Christ (Matt.

What does the star symbolize spiritually? ›

Stars have been symbolic of divine guidance and protection. The star of Bethlehem representing the guidance of god whilst the star of David is a powerful protection symbol. Example of different star symbols and their meanings.

What is the meaning of the star symbol? ›

Stars are a commonly used symbol in tons of industries. They symbolize excellence, professionalism, quality, and imagination. It also helps that stars are a powerful, globally understood symbol.

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