Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY - Auch günstig in deiner Nähe (2024)

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Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY - Auch günstig in deiner Nähe (5)

Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY

Finde ein Waxing Studio oder einen Wax Inside Standort in deiner Nähe

Berlin Charlottenburg

Berlin Mitte


Düsseldorf KÖ

Hamburg am Hauptbahnhof



Nürnberg Josephsplatz

Potsdam Innenstadt

Stuttgart Gerberviertel

WAX INSIDE München: Waxing Do Brasil

Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY - Auch günstig in deiner Nähe (6)

Ihr Schönheitssalon bietet jetzt auch Waxing an!

Mit WAX INSIDE by WAX IN THE CITY können Sie jetzt professionelles Waxing in einem Schönheitssalon Ihrer Wahl genießen.
WAX INSIDE Partner sind in unserer Waxing-Methode geschult. Wir verwenden unser exklusiv entwickeltes PURE-Wachs, das nicht nur sanft und hautfreundlich, sondern auch rein vegan ist. Unerwünschte Härchen werden gründlich, schonend und mit doppelter Langzeitwirkung entfernt. Klingt doppelt gut, oder? Ist es auch: Waxing in WAX IN THE CITY-Qualität – und in Ihrem Kosmetikstudio! Informationen und Terminbuchung direkt über unseren WAX INSIDE Partner.

Wien 4. Bezirk

Wien 7. Bezirk

Zürich Kreis 1

Zürich Oerlikon

Prag Karlin


Wax in the City & WaxInside Studios: die Profis für perfektes Waxing

Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY - Auch günstig in deiner Nähe (7)

Wax in the City Studios

Die Flagship-Studios unserer Marke. Alle Standorte bieten Walk-in-Service und sind bequem über unsere App buchbar.

Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY - Auch günstig in deiner Nähe (8)

WaxInside Studios

Unsere Partnerstudios, die nach unserer bewährten Methode und mit unserem PURE Wachs arbeiten. Termine können direkt über das jeweilige Studio gebucht werden.

Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY - Auch günstig in deiner Nähe (9)

Wax in the City APP

Alle Infos zu unseren Wax in the City Studios und WaxInside Partnern findest du auch in unserer APP.

  • Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY - Auch günstig in deiner Nähe (10)

    WAX IN THE CITY ist DIE Adresse für professionelle Haarentfernung mit Warmwachs. Ohne Termin rein. Ohne lästige Körperhaare wieder raus.

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Studios & Preise WAX IN THE CITY - Auch günstig in deiner Nähe (2024)


What kind of wax is used at Waxing the City? ›

For the face and more sensitive areas of the body, we use a hard wax that shrink wraps and hardens around the hair and lifts from the skin creating a more comfortable experience. We use a traditional soft wax for larger body areas such as legs, arms, chest, and back and it is removed by using a cloth strip.

How often should you get a Brazilian wax? ›

How long does a Brazilian wax last? A Brazilian wax typically lasts three to six weeks, depending on how fast your hair grows back. We recommend waxing every three to four weeks after your first wax for the best results. This will ensure that hair grows back slower and thinner each time.

How to cancel wax in the city membership? ›

Each Waxing the City studio is independently owned and operated. How do I cancel my membership? Should you decide to cancel your Club Orange membership, you must provide 30 days' advance notice to the membership location – either by phone/email or in studio.

What is the age limit for a Brazilian wax? ›

As there are no legal policies about Brazilian wax, salons set their own policies. These differ from salon to salon. In general, the salons in the USA consider 18 years of age as the legal age to get Brazilian wax. Similarly, salons in the UK and Europe take 16 years as the minimum age for Brazilian waxing.

What type of wax is best for pubic hair? ›

Hard wax is thicker than soft wax and works by hardening on your skin — hence, the name. Once it hardens, you can remove it with your hands, so there's no need for waxing strips. This makes the process a lot less painful. According to experts, hard wax is best suited for use on your bikini line, underarms, and face.

Can my hair be too long for a Brazilian wax? ›

Should I trim my pubic hair before a Brazilian wax? And how long is too long? Up to 1/2 inch should be fine. If your hair is any longer you may feel some discomfort when the wax is applied.

Does Brazilian wax stop hair growth? ›

Waxing reduces hair growth when performed at every four to five weeks. While shaving crops the hair at the skin's surface, waxing pulls it out by the root, so it grows back softer, finer, and thinner.

What are the cons of getting a Brazilian wax? ›

The pubic area is very sensitive. A Brazilian wax from someone who isn't experienced or who doesn't take the right precautions could lead to infections, burns, and skin irritation.

How long will a Brazilian wax last me? ›

Usually your bikini wax will last from three to four weeks, though everyone's rate of re-growth is different. But with the right after wax care you can help keep your skin smoother, longer. Just ask your wax specialist to point you in the right direction.

What is a modified Brazilian wax? ›

Modified Brazilian (aka French bikini) - This option removes more hair than the Basic Bikini Wax, but less than the Brazilian Wax. The bikini line is further in without any hair removed from the labia.

How to prepare for a Brazilian wax while on your period? ›

While you're absolutely fine to get a wax while on your period, you're better off using a tampon or menstrual cup instead. Since your intimate wax requires you to remove your pants and underwear a pad won't provide you the proper protection.

What is a Cerologist? ›

The Cerologist (Esthetician / Waxer) is responsible for providing safe and thorough waxing services, as well as lash and brow tinting service.

Can I pee before a Brazilian wax? ›

Relieving your bladder is crucial so that you can sit back and let the esthetician get to work. Keep in mind that gentle pressure would be applied during the procedure which would push your bladder and give you an urge to pee. It is due to this reason that you must use the toilet before the waxing.

When should you not get a Brazilian wax? ›

You are using any Retinol products i.e. Retin A, Renova etc. on your bikini line or brow area. You are using Accutane. You have any kind of sunburn, laser burn, pustules, or breakouts on the area to be waxed.

What wax do most salons use? ›

Hard wax is the most popular choice for professionals because of its many benefits. One of the most significant advantages is that it's much gentler on the skin than other wax types.

What type of wax is used for waxing? ›

Different wax types are better suited for specific treatment areas. For instance, hard wax is often the preferred choice for facial and intimate areas due to its gentle application and removal process. Soft wax, on the other hand, is commonly used for larger body areas like arms, legs, and back.

What kind of wax is used in wax museum? ›

The wax is poured into a mold for the model to start creating the wax figure. Many intricate, handcarved details are added, along with makeup and hair to bring it to life. Most wax figures are made from paraffin wax, but some parts of the figures are made from beeswax.

What kind of wax is used for wax sculptures? ›

Microcrystalline wax is the most commonly used sculpting wax by artists today. Microcrystalline wax comes in many colors, but bronze sculptors commonly use a brown wax because it helps the artist visualize the finished product.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.